Parts Implemented by Furkan Akgün

Change Log

We created log class to be able to track user activities and also debug the site when a problem occurs. Log class simply consists of three major columns excluding id; first is the description and generated right after an operation is performed, second is the user logged in when given operation performed , this way we are able to track any user activites, and finally third one is the date of operation.

log properties

Log Properties

Inside log class, we have three functions; retrieve a log by passing an id or retrieve all without passing an id, adding log data to database and deleting log data from the database. Now we will cover these three functions respectively.

Adding a Log to the Database

To be able to show logs in home screen or manager main screen we needed to add them to the database. To add log data to the database, we simply created an object and then set its properties. After an instance of object have all properties set, we simply call add_to_db() function. This function basically use insert query, the variables in query are the properties of this log instance.

log add to database

Function to Add Logs to Database

In log class, one of the properties was user or author and it is a foreign key to the user table. But we were setting author or user by its name, so to get user’s id with that name we needed to run a query first to find user id.

If instance of log class have all properties set to appropriate values then the function will add log to the database.

Getting Log(s)

To show all logs or some logs in the front view, we needed a function to return all log data or just a single one with given id. get_log_by_id(get_id) function simply takes an id parameter; if the id is none (or no parameter entered), the query will be executed with no specific id parameter and all logs will be returned from query and all will be stored in an array. Thne the function will just simply return that array.

get logs

Function to Retrieve All Logs

On the other hand if an id value is entered as a parameter, then the query will be executed with “WHERE id=get_id” and only the log with specific id will be returned.

get log by id

Function to Retrieve A Log

Deleting a Log

Deleting a log is not implemented in front view, but is ready in class as a function. Simply we get referenced instance of log and then call delete_from_db() function.

delete log

Function to Delete a Log From the Database

Creating Logs After an Operation

Logs are instantly created when user performs an operation in the database. It is generic in all parts of operations, a description is created right after the operation and a log instance is created with this description, user and date. After that add_to_db() function on that log instance is called and log is added to the database.

log generate

Generating a Log After an Operation

As you can see right before function is completed a description is created given the operation. Simply “Added”, “Updated” or “Deleted” expressions are used for all operations. Here user is passed to the object constructor as session[‘alias’].

Displaying Last 5 Changes in Home Page

After we have a function to get all logs, it was too easy to select only last five of logs sorted by date. In query of selecting all logs we did already sorted logs in descended by date column. So it is now reduced only to chose first five rows returned from SELECT statement.

last 5 logs

Choosing Last Five Changes

Only five log data are stored in array, and then array is sent to the home page. In home page we can now simply display them with a for loop.

display last 5 logs

Displaying Last Five Changes

Displaying All Changes in Manager Main Page

Just like displaying last five logs, but now there is no need to use a constraint. We simply retrieve all data and store them in an array. Then send the array to manager main page as data.

all logs

Choose All Logs

Then simply display each of them by a for loop.

display all logs

Displaying All Logs

Generic Function Bodies

All classes have same function bodies. They differ with only the queries they have. So to reduce explanation for each of them, I will show generic function bodies.

First is add_to_db() Function,

generic add

Generic Add Function

All classes share these bodies, only difference is queries. Another thing is just like in the above example some class properties are set with name values but we instead use id values for them. So first we must call another queries to get their ids. Then simply execute operational query.

update_db() Function,

generic update

Generic Update Function

delete_from_db() Function,

generic delete

Generic Delete Function

get_(classname)_by_id() Function,

generic get

Generic Retrieve

Functions up to now were only class operations. Each class have four functions above. Next functions are for add, delete, and update operations done in website. These operation are again same for other classes except some extra operations for getting referenced objects.

Add Operation,

generic add operation

Generic Add Operation

As can be seen above, add operation creates an instance of class with json data provided by forms. After an instance is created that objects is added to the database. After a log will created for this given operation and the operation ends.

Delete Operation,

generic delete operation

Generic Delete Operation

In delete operation we get all selected item ids in an array, then in a for loop we delete all selected items.

Update Operation,

generic update operation

Generic Update Operation

Just like in the add operation we get json data from forms and instead creating a new entry, we set properties of this instance to what we get from the forms and then update the item.


Country object has four properties; id, name, capital and population. Capital is a foreign key to the cities table.


We have already provided bodies of all the functions. Those bodies were all same for all classes. What makes each class different are their unique queries for operations. These queries are executed in those functions and we complete what we try to accomplish.

country add query

Country Insert Into Query

In above queries, first is used to get id of the referenced capital, and then all properties of class are used as parameters to add this instance to the database.


country delete query

Country Delete Query

Country with given id is deleted from the database.


country select query

Country Select Query

In case we pass no parameter to get_country_by_id() function, the query with no “WHERE” clause will be used. Above query is used when we pass an id parameter.


country update query

Country Update Query

Just like in the add operation queries excluding update query gets referenced item ids and then use them as parameter in the update query.


Match object has nine properties; id, home team, score of home team, away team, score of away team, stadium, referee, league and match date. Team, stadium, referee and league are all foreign keys.


We have already provided bodies of all the functions. Those bodies were all same for all classes. What makes each class different are their unique queries for operations. These queries are executed in those functions and we complete what we try to accomplish.

match add query

Match Insert Into Query

In above queries, queries except the last one are used to get ids of the referenced items, and then all properties of class are used as parameters to add this instance to the database.


match delete query

Match Delete Query

Match with given id is deleted from the database.


match select query

Match Select Query

In case we pass no parameter to get_match_by_id() function, the query with no “WHERE” clause will be used. Above query is used when we pass an id parameter.


match update query

Match Update Query

Just like in the add operation queries excluding update query gets referenced item ids and then use them as parameter in the update query.


League object has four properties; id, name, country and start date. Country is a foreign key to the country table.


We have already provided bodies of all the functions. Those bodies were all same for all classes. What makes each class different are their unique queries for operations. These queries are executed in those functions and we complete what we try to accomplish.

league add query

League Insert Into Query

In above queries, first is used to get id of the referenced country, and then all properties of class are used as parameters to add this instance to the database.


league delete query

Leauge Delete Query

League with given id is deleted from the database.


league select query

League Select Query

In case we pass no parameter to get_league_by_id() function, the query with no “WHERE” clause will be used. Above query is used when we pass an id parameter.


league update query

League Update Query

Just like in the add operation queries excluding update query gets referenced item ids and then use them as parameter in the update query.