Parts Implemented by Oğuz Kerem Tural

Front End Design

Application user interface uses Bootstrap framework for responsive UI, jQuery framework for much more dynamic design and DataTables framework for glorious tables. Main aim for the design was simplicity. Any type of user could easily use the application without losing its way. Thus, color scheme selection and content placement has been done accordingly. On top of the Bootstrap, a hand written CSS file has been added to extend both its responsivity and design.

Different enhancements has been applied on both front body and manager body classes. Pagination has been fixed, columns in front page has been hidden in smaller screens. Also navigation bar and sidebar has been changed in smaller screens.

.sidebar {
    display: none;

@media (min-width: 768px) {
    .sidebar {
        background-color: #f5f5f5;
        position: fixed;
        top: 31px;
        left: 0;
        bottom: 0;
        display: block;
        padding: 20px;

For show sidebar minimum screen width has been selected as 768px. If screen width is smaller than this, sidebar will be hidden and a navigation bar on top would be displayed. Both navigation bar and sidebar uses Jinja2‘s variable switching ability. Both front and manager layout contains a Jinja2 block that contains all menu items.

{% set navigation_bar = [
  ('/manage', 'main', 'Main'),
  ('/manage/people', 'people', 'People'),
  ('/manage/penalties', 'penalties', 'Penalties'),
  ('/manage/popularity', 'popularity', 'Popularity'),
  ('/manage/cities', 'cities', 'Cities'),
  ('/manage/teams', 'teams', 'Teams'),
  ('/manage/team_stats', 'team_stats', 'Team Statistics'),
  ('/manage/players', 'players', 'Players'),
  ('/manage/sponsorships', 'sponsorships', 'Sponsorships'),
  ('/manage/stadiums', 'stadiums', 'Stadiums'),
  ('/manage/countries', 'countries', 'Countries'),
  ('/manage/tournaments', 'tournaments', 'Tournaments'),
  ('/manage/matches', 'matches', 'Matches'),
  ('/manage/leagues', 'leagues', 'Leagues')] -%}
{% set active_page = active_page|default('main') -%}

This code block creates links, names, alternatives and also determines which page is active. Design also gives extreme importance to the dynamism. To create dynamic pages, design utilizes jQuery and JavaScript’s AJAX capabilities. All submit operations handled with an AJAX handler that written for operation-specific purposes. This will be discussed in later parts.

Configuration File

Configuration file hs been written in order to maintain simplicity when implementing other methods. All configuration methods has been stored in file. It contains two methods one for parsing database parameters and another one is for creating a connection to database.

def db_connect():
  # Connecting db by checking VCAP credentials. By courtesy of Turgut Hoca. #
  if VCAP_SERVICES is not None:
      dsn = get_elephantsql_dsn(VCAP_SERVICES)
      # Change this line according to your local db credentials #
      dsn = """user='postgres' password='password'
                             host='localhost' port=5432 dbname='itucsdb1515'"""

      db_connection = connect(dsn)
      return db_connection
  except Error as error:
      return None

First this method checks for OS environment for environment variable called ‘’VCAP_SERVICES‘’. If this variable exists then it takes and parses the connection information from deployment server. If it is not exists then it works on localhost, thus it takes local information to connect the database.

REST API Skeleton

All operations have done through the REST API that has written from scratch. The power of REST API is flexibility. It creates an abstract layer for all operations that needed to be done. By this way, without using any interface all operations can be completed through API. Application’s user interface utilizes this ability and uses AJAX handlers for completing operations. API can be accessible through /api route. If user send request to the route http://localhost/api the answer will be in JSON format. All information in REST APIs are handled in JSON format. This makes it easier for AJAX handlers to understand data.

$ curl http://localhost:5000/api

      "welcome_message": "Welcome to the DBall API v1.0"

Example API usage.

Even though application has user interface, it also serves as a REST server. User interface connects API through AJAX handlers which handles the data that came from inputs. It formats the data in JSON and passes data to API. Then API methods does operation from the data which has been taken from request and sends a respond. According to this respond AJAX handler either creates an error message or shows the changes.

$('#modal-submit-form').submit(function() {
    var user_data = {
        // User data in dictionary form

        url: "/api/login",
        contentType: 'application/json',
        data: JSON.stringify(user_data),
        type: "POST",
        dataType : "json",
        success: function( json ) {
            if ( json.result ) {
                // Operation Success.
            } else {
                // Operation Failure
            console.log( json );
        error: function( ) {
            console.log( "TROUBLE!" );
    return false;

Skeleton for all AJAX handlers which has been used as a template on all AJAX handlers.

Get Operation

API can both pull and push information to the application. To pull information, users should use specific routes that has been designed for that record. Users can either pull information for specific ID or they can pull all the records that has been stored in database. All responses will be in JSON format. GET routes are only allows GET method. Thus if it encounters with a POST request it would give a 405 error.

$ curl http://localhost:5000/api/<record_name>/<id>

Example request for GET operation.

Add Operation

To complete add operation through API, user must be logged in. In other words, it should have a session in computer. This prevents unauthorized users to alter records. After login operation user can add using /api/<record_name>/add route to add new record to the system. It only accepts POST method.

$ curl -X POST -d "{...}" http://localhost:5000/api/<record_name>/add

Example request for ADD operation.

Update Operation

Again to complete update operation user should be logged in. After logged in, user can use /api/<record_name>/update route to update records that have been stored in database. It only accepts POST method.

$ curl -X POST -d "{...}" http://localhost:5000/api/<record_name>/update

Example request for UPDATE operation.

Delete Operation

After login operation user can delete records on database from the route /api/<record_name>/delete. It only accepts POST method.

$ curl -X POST -d "{...}" http://localhost:5000/api/<record_name>/delete

Example request for DELETE operation.

User Login and Register System

Another ability of API is handling user operations for application. User system something that relies on Auth API a lot. It uses sessions in order to recognize user and store its data. Login operation can be done thorough either from user interface or through API. Further, add, delete and update operations need authorization to complete thorough API. On the other hand register operations only can be done through API.

class User(object):
    def __init__(self, user_alias=None, user_email=None, user_pass=None,
                 is_admin=False, user_id=None): = user_id
        self.alias = user_alias = user_email

        if user_pass is not None:
            self.password_hash = bcrypt.encrypt(user_pass)
            self.password_hash = user_pass

        self.user_type = is_admin

    def get_user(self, email=None):

    def add_user_to_db(self):

Class hierarchy in User class.

User Login

User login is secure and critical process for users to alter records that have been stored in database. Since API is open, we had to require users to login before done any operation on records to prevent data persistence. When user tries to login through user interface data which user entered, gathered by AJAX and formatted into JSON notation. From here AJAX handler generates a request to the API. API gets JSON-formatted data and creates a respond again in JSON format. According to respond message AJAX handler either generates an error message or reloads the window.

def api_user_login():
# Get request header #
json_user_data = request.get_json()

# Get user object #
user_info = user.User()

# Check user credentials #
if user_info is not None and user_info.password_hash is not None:
    if bcrypt.verify(json_user_data['user_password'],
       user_info.password_hash) is True:
        # Create session for user #
        session['logged_in'] = True
        session['email'] = json_user_data['user_email']
        session['alias'] = user_info.alias

        status = True
        status = False
    status = False

return jsonify({'result': status})

API method for user login.

API is heavily dependent on User class which has multiple methods for completing database operations. API method first creates an User class object. Then it gets data from database and compares entered password with stored salt. If they match it returns success message, otherwise error message.

$ curl -X POST -d '{"user_email":"", "user_password":"ali"}' http://localhost:5000/api/login

Example request for user login operation through.

User Register

User registration has been only implemented in API level. From user interface there is not possible to register a new user. When user creates and sends a request to API path, API generates a new User class object. Then it invokes add_user_to_db() method to store record in database. Before it stores data to database, it encrypts user password with bcrypt key derivation function to increase security.

def api_user_register():
    # Get request header #
    json_user_info = request.json

    # Convert it into user #
    user_info = user.User(

    # Add user to database #
    status = user_info.add_user_to_db()

    return jsonify({'result': status})

API method for user register.

"""INSERT INTO users (user_name, password_hash, user_email, is_admin)
        VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);"""

SQL Query used to store user information to database.

$ curl -X POST -d '{"alias":"tester", "user_name":"test", "user_password":"ali"}'

Example request for user register operation through.

People Records

People records are again completed in the same way. Request generated by AJAX handler, comes into API. API parses request gets data, and then it invokes add_to_db() method to store record in database.

As in terms of database design, it has a foreign key in person_birth_place column which is designated as city. Also it has another foreign key to person_type table. This table has only add operation and it makes possible user to add and thus select an type of person such as players, coaches, sponsors etc.

class Person(object):
    def __init__(self, name=None, birth_date=None, birth_place=None, user_type=None, user_id=None): = user_id = name
        self.birth_date = birth_date
        self.birth_place = birth_place
        self.type = user_type

    def get_person_by_id(self, get_id=None):

    def add_to_db(self):

    def delete_from_db(self):

    def update_db(self):

class PersonType(object):
    def __init__(self, type_name=None, type_id=None): = type_id
        self.type = type_name

    def get_person_type(self, type_id=None):

    def add_to_db(self):

Class hierarchy for Person class.

Get Operation

Because of foreign keys, when getting person information JOIN SQL operation has been used. Tables has been joined where their keys has been intersect and data derived according to resulted table.

# Get person type #
type_obj = people.PersonType()
# Create a dict #
data = {
    'type': type_obj.type

return jsonify(data)

API method for get operation

"""SELECT * FROM person
            JOIN city ON city.city_id = person.person_birth_location
            JOIN person_types ON = person.person_type
            WHERE person_id = %s"""

SQL query used for get operation.

Add Operation

Since person table has two foreign keys, thus before saving record into database it should have take foreign ids from city_id attribute from City table and id attribute from person type table. After it got the city_id and id it can store data to database. It uses name attribute for both foreign keys as search point because it is unique.

def api_add_person():
    # Prevent unauthorized access from API #
    if not session.get('logged_in'):
        return jsonify({"result": "Unauthorized Access. Please identify yourself"})

    # Get json request from AJAX Handler #
    json_post_data = request.get_json()
    # print(json_post_data)
    # Create an person object #
    person_info = people.Person(json_post_data['person_name'], json_post_data['person_birth_date'],
                                json_post_data['person_birth_place'], json_post_data['person_type'])

    # Add it to db and send result #
    result = person_info.add_to_db()

    if result:
        description = "Added " + json_post_data['person_name'] + " to Persons"
        log_info = log.Log(description, session['alias'],
        log_status = log_info.add_to_db()

    return jsonify({'result': result})

API method for person add operation.

"""SELECT id FROM person_types WHERE person_type_name = %s"""
"""SELECT city_id FROM city WHERE city_name = %s"""
"""INSERT INTO person(person_name, person_birth_date, person_birth_location, person_type)
                    VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"""

SQL Queries used to store information to database.

Update Operation

Update operation is rather similar to add operation. After data passes from AJAX handler, API invokes update_db() method.

def api_update_person():
    # Get request from AJAX #
    json_data = request.get_json()
    # Get person from db #
    person_obj = people.Person()

    # Update person object's values # = json_data['person_name']
    person_obj.birth_date = json_data['person_birth_date']
    person_obj.birth_place = json_data['person_birth_place']
    person_obj.type = json_data['person_type']

    # Update db #
    result = person_obj.update_db()

    # Log operations #

    return jsonify({'result': result})

API method for person update operation.

"""SELECT city_id FROM city WHERE city_name=%s"""
"""SELECT id FROM person_types WHERE person_type_name=%s"""
"""UPDATE person
           SET person_name=%s, person_birth_date=%s, person_birth_location=%s, person_type=%s
           WHERE person_id=%s"""

SQL Queries used to update stored information on database.

Delete Operation

Delete operation is relatively simple when comparing the other operations. API gets a list of ids that wanted to be deleted from request and just invokes delete_from_db() method for each.

def api_delete_person():
    # Prevent unauthorized access #
    if not session.get('logged_in'):
        return jsonify({"result": "Unauthorized Access. Please identify yourself"})

    status = False
    # Get request #
    person_id_json = request.get_json()
    # print(person_id_json)
    # Delete every requested id #
    for person_id in person_id_json:
        person_obj = people.Person()
        # print(person_id)
        status = person_obj.delete_from_db()

        if status:
            description = "Deleted " + + " from Persons"
            log_info = log.Log(description, session['alias'],
            log_status = log_info.add_to_db()

    return jsonify({'result': status})

API method for person delete operation.

"""DELETE FROM person WHERE person_id = %s"""

SQL Query used to delete stored information from database.

Penalty Records

Penalty records table is relatively same as person table. It has again two foreign keys one for person and another for penalty type. Again user can add and select which types it wants but cannot delete or update it.

class Penalty(object):
    def __init__(self, given_person=None, given_date=None, penalty_type=None, penalty_id=None): = penalty_id
        self.person = given_person
        self.given_date = given_date
        self.type = penalty_type

    def get_penalty_by_id(self, get_id=None):

    def add_to_db(self):

    def delete_from_db(self):

    def update_db(self):

class PenaltyType(object):
    def __init__(self, type_name=None, type_id=None): = type_id
        self.type = type_name

    def get_penalty_type(self, type_id=None):

    def add_to_db(self):

Class hierarchy for Penalty class.

Get Operation

Again JOIN operation has been used for getting all data in same manner as people table.

def api_get_penalty(data_id):
    # Create empty penalty and fill it from db #
    penalty_obj = penalties.Penalty()

    # Create a dict for jsonify #
    data = {
        'person': penalty_obj.person,
        'given_date': penalty_obj.given_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'),
        'penalty_type': penalty_obj.type

    return jsonify(data)

API method for get operation

"""SELECT * FROM penalty
            JOIN person ON penalty_given_person = person.person_id
            JOIN penalty_type ON penalty_type =
            WHERE penalty_id = %s"""

SQL query used for get operation.

Add Operation

Add operation also in same way as person table. But differently, this time it takes person id directly from user, thus no additional query is needed for penalty add operation.

def api_add_penalty():
    # Prevent unauthorized access from API #
    if not session.get('logged_in'):
        return jsonify({"result": "Unauthorized Access. Please identify yourself"})

    # Get json request from AJAX Handler #
    json_post_data = request.get_json()
    # print(json_post_data)
    # Create an penalty object #
    penalty_info = penalties.Penalty(json_post_data['person_name'], json_post_data['penalty_given_date'],

    # Add it to db and send result #
    result = penalty_info.add_to_db()

    if result:
        log_person = people.Person().get_person_by_id(json_post_data['person_name'])
        description = "Added Penalty For " + + " to Penalties"
        log_info = log.Log(description, session['alias'],
        log_status = log_info.add_to_db()

    return jsonify({'result': result})

API method for add operation.

"""SELECT id FROM penalty_type WHERE penalty_type_name = %s"""
 """INSERT INTO penalty(penalty_type, penalty_given_person, penalty_given_date)
           VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"""

SQL Queries used to store information to database.

Update Operation

Again it is similar to add operation when updating record.

def api_update_penalty():
     # Get request from AJAX #
     json_data = request.get_json()
     # Get penalty from db #
     penalty_obj = penalties.Penalty()

     # Update penalty object's values #
     penalty_obj.person = json_data['person_name']
     penalty_obj.given_date = json_data['penalty_given_date']
     penalty_obj.type = json_data['penalty_type']

     # Update db #
     result = penalty_obj.update_db()

     if result:
         description = "Updated Element With id=" + json_data['penalty_id'] + " in Penalties"
         log_info = log.Log(description, session['alias'],
         log_status = log_info.add_to_db()

     return jsonify({'result': result})

API method for update operation.

"""SELECT id FROM penalty_type WHERE penalty_type_name=%s"""
"""UPDATE penalty
           SET penalty_given_date=%s, penalty_given_person=%s, penalty_type=%s
           WHERE penalty_id=%s"""

SQL Queries used to update stored information on database.

Delete Operation

As it was in person table, API invokes delete_from_db() method to delete given ids.

def api_delete_penalty():
    # Prevent unauthorized access #
    if not session.get('logged_in'):
        return jsonify({"result": "Unauthorized Access. Please identify yourself"})

    status = False
    # Get request #
    penalty_id_json = request.get_json()
    # Delete every requested id #
    for penalty_id in penalty_id_json:
        penalty_obj = penalties.Penalty()
        # print(penalty_id)
        status = penalty_obj.delete_from_db()

        if status:
            description = "Deleted Penalty For " + penalty_obj.person + " from Penalties"
            log_info = log.Log(description, session['alias'],
            log_status = log_info.add_to_db()

    return jsonify({'result': status})

API method for delete operation.

"""DELETE FROM penalty WHERE penalty_id = %s"""

SQL Query used to delete stored information from database.

Popularity Records

Popularity table one of the weakest relations in the database. It has three foreign keys to other tables for team, player and match and also an integer value for supporters.

class Popularity(object):
    def __init__(self, team=None, match=None, player=None, supporters=None, popularity_id=None): = popularity_id = team
        self.match = match
        self.player = player
        self.supporters = supporters

    def get_popularity_by_id(self, get_id=None):

    def add_to_db(self):

    def delete_from_db(self):

    def update_db(self):

Class hierarchy for Popularity class.

Get Operation

Again JOIN operation has been used for getting all data in same manner as people table. But this time it as more joins.

def api_get_popularity(data_id):
    # Create empty popularity and fill it from db #
    popularity_obj = popularity.Popularity()

    # Create a dict for jsonify #
    data = {
        'match': popularity_obj.match,
        'player': popularity_obj.player,
        'supporters': popularity_obj.supporters

    return jsonify(data)

API method for get operation

"""SELECT * FROM popularity
            JOIN team AS team1 ON popularity.team_name = team1.team_id
            JOIN matches ON popularity.most_popular_match = matches.match_id
            JOIN team AS team2 ON matches.match_team_1 = team2.team_id
            JOIN team AS team3 ON matches.match_team_2 = team3.team_id
            JOIN person ON popularity.most_popular_player = person.person_id"""

SQL query used for get operation.

In order to display multiple teams there has been multiple joins on teams used.

Add Operation

Add operation takes foreign key values directly from the user in order to optimize queries.

def api_add_popularity():
    # Prevent unauthorized access from API #
    if not session.get('logged_in'):
        return jsonify({"result": "Unauthorized Access. Please identify yourself"})

    # Get json request from AJAX Handler #
    json_post_data = request.get_json()
    # print(json_post_data)
    # Create an popularity object #
    popularity_info = popularity.Popularity(json_post_data['team'], json_post_data['match'],
                                            json_post_data['player'], json_post_data['supporters'])

    # Add it to db and send result #
    result = popularity_info.add_to_db()

    if result:
        description = "Added Popularity Info for " + json_post_data['team'] + " to Popularity"
        log_info = log.Log(description, session['alias'],
        log_status = log_info.add_to_db()

    return jsonify({'result': result})

API method for add operation.

"""INSERT INTO popularity(team_name, most_popular_match, most_popular_player, supporters)
                     VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"""

SQL Queries used to store information to database.

Update Operation

Again it is similar to add operation when updating record.

def api_update_popularity():
     # Get request from AJAX #
     json_data = request.get_json()
     # Get person from db #
     popularity_obj = popularity.Popularity()

     # Update person object's values # = json_data['team']
     popularity_obj.match = json_data['match']
     popularity_obj.player = json_data['player']
     popularity_obj.supporters = json_data['supporters']

     # Update db #
     result = popularity_obj.update_db()

     if result:
         description = "Updated Element With id=" + json_data['popularity_id'] + " in Popularity"
         log_info = log.Log(description, session['alias'],
         log_status = log_info.add_to_db()

     return jsonify({'result': result})

API method for update operation.

"""UPDATE popularity
           SET team_name=%s, most_popular_match=%s, most_popular_player=%s, supporters=%s
           WHERE popularity_id=%s"""

SQL Query used to update stored information on database.

Delete Operation

As it was in person table, API invokes delete_from_db() method to delete given ids.

def api_delete_popularity():
    # Prevent unauthorized access #
    if not session.get('logged_in'):
        return jsonify({"result": "Unauthorized Access. Please identify yourself"})

    status = False
    # Get request #
    popularity_id_json = request.get_json()
    # Delete every requested id #
    for popularity_id in popularity_id_json:
        popularity_obj = popularity.Popularity()
        # print(penalty_id)
        status = popularity_obj.delete_from_db()

        if status:
            description = "Deleted Popularity Info For " + + " from Penalties"
            log_info = log.Log(description, session['alias'],
            log_status = log_info.add_to_db()

    return jsonify({'result': status})

API method for delete operation.

"""DELETE FROM popularity WHERE popularity_id = %s"""

SQL Query used to delete stored information from database.

City Records

City table does not contain any foreign key. It uses Google Maps Geocode API in order to store location information.

class City(object):
    def __init__(self, city_name=None, city_population=None, city_coordinates=None, city_id=None): = city_id = city_name
        self.coordinates = city_coordinates
        self.population = city_population

    def get_city_by_id(self, get_id=None):

    def add_to_db(self):

    def delete_from_db(self):

    def update_db(self):

Class hierarchy for City class.

Get Operation

Get operation is simple for city table. There is no joins since it does not have any foreign key.

def api_get_city(city_id):
    # Create empty city and fill it from db #
    city_obj = cities.City()

    # Create a dict for jsonify #
    data = {

    return jsonify(data)

API method for get operation

"""SELECT * FROM city WHERE city_id = %s"""

SQL Queries used for get operation

Add Operation

Add operation get city nme and population as input, then sends city name to Maps API and gets geolocation to store.

def api_add_city():
    # Prevent unauthorized access #
    if not session.get('logged_in'):
        return jsonify({"result": "Unauthorized Access. Please identify yourself"})

    # Get request #
    json_post_data = request.get_json()
    # print(json_post_data)

    city_info = cities.City(json_post_data['city_name'],
    # Add it to db #
    result = city_info.add_to_db()

    if result:
        description = "Added " + json_post_data['city_name'] + " to Cities"
        log_info = log.Log(description, session['alias'],
        log_status = log_info.add_to_db()

    return jsonify({'result': result})

API method for add operation

"""INSERT INTO city (city_name, city_population, city_coordinates)
                VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"""

SQL Queries used for add operation

Update Operation

Again update operation also does same thing as ha been done in add operation.
def api_update_city():
    # Get request from AJAX #
    json_data = request.get_json()
    # Get city from db #
    city_obj = cities.City()

    # Update city object's values # = json_data['city_name']
    city_obj.population = json_data['city_population']

    # Update db #
    result = city_obj.update_db()

    if result:
        description = "Updated Element With id=" + json_data['city_id'] + " in Cities"
        log_info = log.Log(description, session['alias'],
        log_status = log_info.add_to_db()

    return jsonify({'result': result})

API method for update operation

"""UPDATE city
           SET city_name=%s, city_population=%s, city_coordinates=%s
           WHERE city_id=%s"""

SQL Queries used for update operation

Delete Operation

Delete operation directly deletes data from database.

def api_delete_city():
     # Prevent unauthorized access #
     if not session.get('logged_in'):
         return jsonify({"result": "Unauthorized Access. Please identify yourself"})

     status = False

     # Get request #
     city_id_json = request.get_json()

     for city_id in city_id_json:
         city_obj = cities.City()
         status = city_obj.delete_from_db()

         if status:
             description = "Deleted " + + " from Cities"
             log_info = log.Log(description, session['alias'],
             log_status = log_info.add_to_db()

     return jsonify({'result': status})

API method for delete operation

"""DELETE FROM city WHERE city_id = %s"""

SQL Queries used for delete operation